The Drum Major Empowerment Foundation, Inc. (DME) is a 501c3 non-profit organization focused on supporting students further their education at post-secondary institutions.
On November 19, 2011, a Florida A&M University marching band Drum Major, died after participating in a hazing ritual. The following year, research led to a focus on interventions that increase awareness and strengthen safe participation in student activities. As time progressed, this evolved into what is now known as Drum Major Empowerment.
Inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s 1968 “Drum Major Instinct” message, this workshop series is designed for new and established student leaders (grades 9-12). This interactive and educational program provides resources and strategies to bolster transformational leadership within the classroom and community.
Inspired by Kobe Bryant’s “Mamba Mentality” mantra, this workshop series is designed for new and established student leaders (grades 9 -12). This interactive and educational program provides resources and strategies to support personal and team growth.
“Friday Night Lights” culture is characterized by a community’s shared
passion for high school football and the marching arts. These spaces provide opportunities for
youth to grow on and off the field. Additionally, participating in Friday Night Light activities is
important for educational and economic mobility. This interactive student leadership session
provides strategies for success in the classroom, community, and on the marching band field.
This initiative allows high school students to earn community service hours
toward graduation requirements and access valuable college and career resources from
community partners and various industry professionals.